Unique two story Pueblo style house with separate two story garage apartment backs on northern perimeter of golf course. A lovely walled courtyard leads to front entrance and rear porch
has screened arches. House was built for R. G. Millard family in 1925. Bob Millard was the first postmaster of Hialeah. His daughter LEAH, named for the town, was the first white child born there. U.S. Army COL.
WILLIAM McCARTHY and wife Eugenie bought the house in 1941. Eugenie MATTHEWSON McCarthy was a pioneer resident of pre-Miami Springs since 1922. Between World War II and Korean War, Col. McCarthy served as Mayor of
Miami Springs 1948-51. After retiring from military service he lived here until his death in 1993. Placed on the NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES 1986. DESIGNATED MIAMI SPRINGS HISTORIC SITE 1989.